This API provides aggregated product import with better performance than the stock Magento V1/products API. Import product, image upload, assign vendor and set vendor location quantity can be done within one API call.
required | Array of objects (omnyfy-product-import) |
200 Success.
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
Unexpected error
[- {
- "inventory": { },
- "price": { },
- "product_data": {
- "sku": "child_sku_1",
- "type_id": "simple",
- "visibility": 1,
- "custom_attributes": [
- {
- "attribute_code": "color",
- "value": "5"
}, - {
- "attribute_code": "size",
- "value": "7"
}, - {
- "inventory": { },
- "price": { },
- "product_data": {
- "sku": "child_sku_2",
- "type_id": "simple",
- "visibility": 1,
- "custom_attributes": [
- {
- "attribute_code": "color",
- "value": "6"
}, - {
- "attribute_code": "size",
- "value": "8"
}, - {
- "inventory": { },
- "price": { },
- "product_data": {
- "sku": "configurable_product_example",
- "type_id": "configurable,",
- "visibility": 4,
- "super_attribute_codes": [
- "size",
- "color"
], - "variant_skus": [
- "child_sku_1",
- "child_sku_2"
{- "items": [
- {
- "success": true,
- "error": "string",
- "product_data": {
- "id": 0,
- "sku": "string"
Get inventory for a specific vendor
curl --location --globoff 'https://your-marketplace-host/rest/V1/inventory/source-items?searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][conditionType]=eq&searchCriteria[currentPage]=1&searchCriteria[pageSize]=10&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][field]=sku&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][value]={example-sku}'
200 Success.
401 Unauthorized
Unexpected error
{- "items": [
- {
- "sku": "string",
- "source_code": "string",
- "quantity": 0,
- "status": 0
], - "search_criteria": {
- "filter_groups": [
- {
- "filters": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "condition_type": "string"
], - "sort_orders": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "direction": "string"
], - "page_size": 0,
- "current_page": 0
}, - "total_count": 0
Create integration token for admin given the vendor credentials.
200 Success.
400 Bad Request
Unexpected error
{- "username": "string",
- "password": "string"
{- "token": "string"
Loads a specified order.
200 Success.
401 Unauthorized
Unexpected error
{- "adjustment_negative": 0,
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- "prefix": "string",
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- "region_code": "string",
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- "street": [
- "string"
], - "suffix": "string",
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- "vat_request_id": "string",
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- {
- "shipping": {
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- "methods": [
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- "source_stock_id": 0,
- "method_code": "string"
Lists orders that match specified search criteria. This call returns an array of objects, but detailed information about each object’s attributes might not be included. See
200 Success.
401 Unauthorized
Unexpected error
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Native API call to create an order.
required | object (sales-data-order-interface) Order interface. An order is a document that a web store issues to a customer. Magento generates a sales order that lists the product items, billing and shipping addresses, and shipping and payment methods. A corresponding external document, known as a purchase order, is emailed to the customer. |
200 Success.
401 Unauthorized
Unexpected error
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Get a list of items ordered on the marketplace by Vendor.
200 Success.
Loads a specified shipment.
200 Success.
401 Unauthorized
Unexpected error
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Lists shipments that match specified search criteria. This call returns an array of objects
200 Success.
401 Unauthorized
Unexpected error
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Native API call to create an shipment.
required | object (sales-data-shipment-interface) Shipment interface. A shipment is a delivery package that contains products. A shipment document accompanies the shipment. This document lists the products and their quantities in the delivery package. |
200 Success.
401 Unauthorized
Unexpected error
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